Perspective Grad Students

I am recruiting 1-2 fully-funded PhD/MS students who are enthusiastic about Ocean Dynamics and Climate to join the team for Fall 2025! Research topics include deep ocean circulation and mixing dynamics, internal wave dynamics, and the biological and chemical impacts of flow and wave interactions with topography, with a primary focus on how these processes are influenced by—and in turn influence—climate change. Our lab is committed to fostering an inclusive team of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences and encourage applicants from groups traditionally underrepresented within STEM.
Expectations and Outcomes
A PhD student will develop their core research projects in alignment with my funded or developing projects and are encouraged to pursue an interdisciplinary side project that complements their primary research based on their interest. By the time you complete your PhD, I intend for you to have a deep understanding of oceanic physical processes, geophysical fluid dynamics, and climate science, along with expertise in scientific data analysis and/or numerical simulation. Additionally, you will have opportunities to gain experience in seagoing fieldwork, observational data analysis, and other interdisciplinary skills that enhance your research—such as knowledge of marine biogeochemical processes, instrumentation, and machine learning.
Funding: The students will be fully funded, which includes a tuition waiver, stipend, benefits, and travel support to conferences and meet with collaborators. I also encourage you to apply to external fellowships, including the NSF GRFP, NASA FINESST, DOE CGSF, and various NOAA fellowships. You can also check out pathways to science’s website for more fellowship opportunities and tips on applying to graduate school. Getting your own fellowship can be an awesome boost to your career and research opportunities!
To Apply
Motivated and creative applicants are encouraged to apply with:
- Graduate or undergraduate degree in the broad field of geosciences, including but not limited to Marine Science, Atmospheric and Climate Science, Earth System Science, etc. I also highly encourage candidates with a degree in Physics, Applied Mathematics, Civil/Environmental/Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Sciences to apply.
- Strong math/physics background, familiarity with coding for data analysis, and/or desire to learn and develop these skills.
- Strong technical writing and oral communication skills, an ability to work in a collaborative team environment, and/or desire to learn in these areas.
If you are interested in working with me, I encourage you to email me ( with the subject ‘Prospective student at UConn, Fall 2025’. The best way to do this is to:
- Check out my research, and UConn’s Marine Sciences department website to see if it will be a good fit!
- Read 1-2 papers of mine that interest you.
- Email me with:
- A cover letter that includes: 1) your motivation for pursuing a graduate degree in my research group and at the UConn Department of Marine Sciences, 2) your research interests and how they align with the lab’s research, and 3) your past and current research, academic, and work experiences.
- Your CV/resume and transcript (an unofficial transcript is fine! I want to see your previous coursework to assess your level of math and physics knowledge, as well as any additional skills you may bring to your research and the group)
Applications will be reviewed beginning December 1. I will respond to applicants who may be a good fit to schedule a video call. Students encouraged to apply for the program after completing an interview should submit their applications to the UConn Graduate School by January 5 for the best chance of admission.